CoFarm Estate Limited is a company limited by shares (company number 12267959) and a wholly-owned subsidiary of CoFarm Foundation. It was established, along with the Foundation and its other subsidiary, CoFarm Cambridge, on World Food Day in October 2019 to help deliver the Foundation’s charitable objects.

The purpose of CoFarm Estate Limited is to enable the creation of a distributed network of community farms across the UK - at least one in every local authority by 2030 - each uniquely responding to local needs and cultures and each co-created with and for the local community.

This distributed network of community farms - all dedicated to building health, social and natural capital and contributing to more inclusive local economies - is what we call the ‘CoFarm Estate’. CoFarm Estate Limited is working with a number of stakeholders to create the tools and secure the resources necessary to help this ‘virtual estate’ to scale across the UK.

We will never compete with existing Community Supported Agriculture schemes or community farms - whose efforts we greatly admire, applaud and support. Our aim is simply to enable the creation of new - or add value to existing - community-based agroecological farms across the UK.

To explore opportunities to collaborate, please get in touch via the partnerships page.